Thursday 2 March 2017

10 weird facts about cats

10 weird facts about cats

Pet cat is very affectionate and loves a lot of people are keen on the acquisition of different types and forms of it in their homes, so this topic prompt all the fans of cats to get to know some of the wacky and wonders associated with cats.

 1. Cats can drink from the sea water to Troy thirst
 Seas and oceans are filled with very large quantities of water, however we can't use it for drinking because they are salty, but cats can drink from this water. Most animals get some water through food, including cats, but cats can drink salt water to Troy thirst and keeps her life, especially in times of drought because the college in the cat have the ability to filter water from these salts.

 2. Cats smell through the tentacles
 The cats don't have sweat glands like us, but they secrete sweat through the claws and the sweat evaporates to maintain a degree of skin temperature, as they contain glands of smell can smell through it.

3. Domestic cats don't drink water from the vase next to the food because they think it's contaminated
 The cats are wonderful creatures, as they are affectionate and very friendly and they are also very nervous when defending itself, and the cats never drink of water Thread vase beside the food provided to them, and this is due to the instinct that prevents them from drinking water located at the coast at eating their food, Because he believes it's toxic and polluted water by its enemies.

 4. Cats spend 70% of her age In sleep
 All of us likes to sleep and rest, and waiting for the holiday times to enjoy sleep longer, Cats also well where they sleep 16 hours a day, equivalent to 70% of the old and this is due to the efforts exerted and the energy consumed in getting their food so they spend a lot of time sleep until renewed energies.

 5. Every day launches Disneyland 200 cat in the garden to maintain control of the rodents
 Disneyland launching 200 shot at night in order to get rid of the rats and the well-fed throughout the day so you can play this mission during the night, and can't Disneyland visitors to see these cats.