Tuesday 21 March 2017


exciting story of a man devoted 70 % of his salary to feed 200 cat !!

Ghali. An Indian man living in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, pawned his life to care the homeless cats in town and could simple potential to provide food and medicine to two hundreds of cats,

Ghali. An Indian man living in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, pawned his life to care the homeless cats in town and could simple potential to provide food and medicine to two hundreds of cats,
«Cat Lover» or "Father of Cats", as some in Abu Dhabi, he only sleeps after feeding all these cats, in a round repeated twice a day, in the morning and evening, in the Mussafah area, he loved to feed the cats the best food, he refuses to feed the leftovers of human food, and he loved buys the food for cats.
Ghali used this daily work tirelessly, and follow its details late morning. He lives to cats, rejoice for joy, crying when noticing her grief or hated, «Hakim Ghali friend», an employee does not exceed his salary: AED 4800, spent 70% of his salary every month to feed cats streets, which drove him into debt and get a loan to continue his charity work with cats, his friends assert that a man varies his life for the lives of all the inhabitants of the city, he is a shepherd and incubator for cats lost in the alleys and routes of the industrial city of Mussafah, while these cats have woven a special relationship with Ghali,

A friend says that "the subject started four years ago when I lived in a residential compound for workers in Abu Dhabi, with 600 workers in seven companies, and in the complex many of the cats that came to live in our midst, and we were providing them the food by collecting AED daily from some workers to buy food for cats».
He added: "At the first time it was one cat, but the number began to increase to over 200 cats, and it continued to do so about two years, until it decided to relocate the Labour pool and close it, what threatened with the death of these cats, because we were the only source of food for them, and they made a decision to keep feeding them daily, as was the case.
Gali say that doesn't close his eyes only after feeding Street cats he had to borrow to complete what he started two years ago, and returned his wife to India, to provide housing and living expenses, but unrepentant, and unwilling to abandon this work, because it always feels that Allah reward, without having the childs all eight years, doctors have assured him the impossibility of this subject, but since has been blessed with a child, in addition to four fatal accidents, Always comes out unscathed from the accident.

Ghali who dedicated his life to care the homeless cats, over four years, not only did what he did and do, but think to convince a group of people interested in these cats out of homelessness and loss, and contribute with more care, because he sees that human responsibility, the pet is an organism has the most human qualities, and we must be aware that, treat him as you should, don't neglect the times of his food, and take care of his health, and playing with him as well.
Ghali asserts that in particular, cats should not be left outside when the heat is high, because they may lose their lives due to extreme thirst and high temperatures, and invites people to raise animals pet, because it benefits its owner, and makes him happy and close to nature and normal life.
His friend confirms that he would have preferred that this work in secret, without appearing in the media, but the circumstances that led him to agree to appear, as he fears he can't continue in this thread.
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