Thursday 9 March 2017


Attention to the death of rats !!

Cats victims of death of rats Not a day goes by in our cities cats are victims of death of rats. Many cat owners have no consciousness of the risks incurred by ingestion of rat poison. 90% of them are anticoagulant rodenticide especially for their cat.

Attention to the death of rats !!

Cats victims of death of rats
Not a day goes by in our cities cats are victims of death of rats. Many cat owners have no consciousness of the risks incurred by ingestion of rat poison. 90% of them are anticoagulant rodenticide especially for their cat.
Rodenticides are indeed products to combat the rats and mice. You should know that 90% of the rodenticides are blood thinners made from dicoumarol or anti vitamin K.
Vitamin K is, note him, an essential vitamin in the blood clotting process and if it is missing, more no bleeding is possible with all the consequences that resulted. Today, these rodenticides are highly effective and their effect toxic appears more and more quickly. Their mode of action is always the same: by their anticoagulant action, they are meant to cause death by bleeding. Their effect on coagulation requires 15 to 20 hours before being seen on a blood test and the first symptoms appear after 2 to 3 days. Death in rats is now so palatable that our friends the cats rushing on it.

What to do in case of intoxication by the death of rats?
The purpose of our tip of the day is to tell you what to do as a result of poisoning by the death of rats. It is important to catch very quickly if we are to save the life of her cat.
After ingestion, there may be spontaneous vomiting however unfortunately the bleeding caused by the decreased ability to clot are not always visible since it may occur inside the body.

One / you've seen your cat consume the death of rats
If you have seen or you think that your cat could consume poisoned bait, you should immediately rush to the vet: in order to vomit and this maximum within 3 hours following this absorption (the best being within the hour). After 3 hours, poison enters the blood, make sick cat to prove insufficient, and cannot stop the poisoning.
Examination of the stomach content offers the possibility to see the reality of ingestion and its importance. Active coal can be possibly given to the cat.
You will also be able to reassure you do perform a coagulation test between 24 and 72 hours after ingestion (or better, 2 to 48 hours apart) in order to ensure that the poison was not passed in the blood.

Two / your cat presents the following symptoms:
Brutal fatigue, difficulty moving, bleeding gums, prolonged bleeding of a wound, red blood in the stool, urine immediately think to the fact he could maybe having assimilated the death of rats. At this stage, the blood loss may already be important, even if they are not visible. Consulting your vet emergency is imperative. Such consultation will allow you, after confirmation of the diagnosis by examinations, to begin emergency treatment that was needed. Treatment, which may include a blood transfusion in severe cases.
Poisoning, treatment, with the antidote to the toxic, Vitamin K1, will last at least 1 month.
It is recommend that if one knows the type of death of rats resulting in intoxication, to recover the packaging before going to the vet, it will help him to identify the poison, the type of anticoagulant toxic and thus better able to fight him.

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