Friday 10 March 2017


Symptoms of Worms in Cats

Cats can get a variety of intestinal parasites, including some that are commonly referred to as “worms.” Infestations of intestinal worms can cause a variety of symptoms. Sometimes cats demonstrate few to no outward signs of infection, and the infestation can go undetected despite being a potentially serious health problem. Some feline parasitic worms

Symptoms of Worms in Cats


Cats can get a variety of intestinal parasites, including some that are commonly referred to as “worms.” Infestations of intestinal worms can cause a variety of symptoms. Sometimes cats demonstrate few to no outward signs of infection, and the infestation can go undetected despite being a potentially serious health problem. Some feline parasitic worms are hazards for humane health as well.

Worms cat kinds:
There are two types of worms: roundworms (roundworms, hookworms) and flatworms (tapeworms).

-        Roundworm: ascaris are whites who can measure up to 20 centimeters: they look a lot like spaghetti! The kittens are almost systematically infested in. They contaminate either directly in their mother's womb, or by sucking it after birth. These worms feed at the expense of the kitten, and can cause diarrhea, vomiting and constipation, alternating weight loss, abdominal bloating, stunting, and sometimes even of bowel obstruction and perforation. Ascaris are parasites that can be transmitted to humans. They are a danger to children who can be contaminated in sandboxes or playing with cats not dewormed or badly wormed. Deworming must be systematic for all kittens, all the months (up to the age of 6 months), and four times a year for adults, even without observation of symptoms.
-    Flatworms: they parasitize mainly kittens on the farm or in the countryside. They are small to that very rarely observed in the stool. They are particularly aggressive tothe wall of the intestine. When they are very many the amount of blood they pump is enough to cause anemia, or even the death of the cat.

It is mainly the tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) or "tapeworm". It can measure up to 80 cm. Its segments or rings containing eggs are eliminated in the stool: they resemble grains of rice. Sometimes we see them in the hair surrounding the anus. The chips are often carriers of tapeworm larvae. In grooming or licking to chase fleas that him itch, the cat infects itself by swallowing them. To rid your cat of the tapeworm therefore need to be addressed at the same time against fleas.

Why deworm a cat?
Worms and your cat's health
These parasites can lead to more or less serious disorders on the health of our companions. Should be addressed preventively and systematically, because we see that very rarely the worms in the stool, even if they are present in the intestine.
Deworming important for the health of your cat: digestive present in the digestive tubeworms can indeed robbing some of the nutrients provided by the diet, and weaken the cat causing weight loss and deficiencies, despite a diet suited theoretically.
Deworming allows more cat to have an immune system (who defends him against disease) better, avoids digestive problems and dermatological (digestive worms may be responsible for falls of hair, itching) as well as the deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.

Cat worms: zoonosis
Some intestinal worms in the CAT are communicable to humans.
Tapeworms: for example Dipylidium caninum, which is quite benign in humans andechinococcus multilocularis, who is responsible for the alveolar echinococcosis, which causes cysts on the liver, the lungs, or in the brain after ingestion of eggs in the feces of cats eating fruit or unwashed vegetables, for example. The echinococcosis Isa very serious or life threatening for humans.

Roundworm: toxocara cati can contaminate children especially; it is the disease of sandboxes.
It is therefore essential to respect hygiene rules simple: cool your cat regularly, well to wash their hands (and to wash the children's hands), very often clean litter box, cover sandboxes for do not stray cats to do their needs inside...

When my cat worm?

Do it systematically:
For Kittens: following a modality and a frequency appropriate and specified by your veterinarian.
For adult cats: four times a year according to the recommendations of the ESCCAP,your veterinarian will advise you according to the way of life and the environment of your cat (for example for cats that come out frequently and hunt small wild animals, as well as for cats in contact with children in infancy, or cats of apartment,...).
Pregnant and nursing cats should be a protocol adapted deworming that can advise your vet.

Which Wormer to use?
According to age, the weight of your pet, and your habits, you can use several different forms: tablets (some dissolve themselves into the water), dough contained in a syringe, liquid to mix with food.
However, beware; not all are effective against all types of worms. To find a product suited to your needs, ask a vet.
There are also other products often based on plants or garlic, etc., which are natural but to renew more frequently. Check out deworming drugs based on natural plant extracts offered by Wanimo.

If you opt for a natural deworming, know that it is often recommended to alternate with a dewormer "classic."

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