Wednesday 8 March 2017

Beware of cats diseases !

"The claws of the cat disease" spreads from animals to humans with a simple caress... If there is no vaccine against this disease, it is nevertheless possible to limit the risk of contamination. The behavioral vet Laurence Dilliere-Lesseur gives his advice to protect themselves better. In general, human beings develop the "disease of the claws of the cat" if it is scratched or bitten by a cat carrier, but not only...

cats diseases

"The claws of the cat disease" spreads from animals to humans with a simple caress... If there is no vaccine against this disease, it is nevertheless possible to limit the risk of contamination. The behavioral vet Laurence Dilliere-Lesseur gives his advice to protect themselves better.
In general, human beings develop the "disease of the claws of the cat" if it is scratched or bitten by a cat carrier, but not only...

Even a caress can be dangerous
As a very recent American study reveals, it can contaminate touch, stroking her cat if he is infected with fleas, their present feces on the hair of the animal could become potentially dangerous if they penetrate the skin of humans at the level of an injury (wounds...).
More rarely, contamination can intervene through the eye if the person rubs his eyes with her dirty hands. Finally, a direct infection of humans by flea bite is also suspected.
In more rare cases, human contamination are done through an object from the ground which was itself contaminated (thorns, thorns, splinters, debris of wood...), because the bacteria of the disease from the claws of the cat is also present in the soil.

Children 5 to 9 years are most affected
The U.S. study indicates that the majority population is located among the young children of 5 to 9 years.
The disease in animals, making it most of the time without symptoms. Feline contamination increases substantially with the lifestyle of cats (the outdoor cats are more exposed), the owners of outdoor cats are more prone to contamination. The risk of human infection could thus be limited by controlling access outside cats and systematically dealing with these fleas.
Study American also indicated that a greater time spent with his cat, particularly during holidays for teenagers and the workforce, could explain the occurrence of peaks of the disease observed during these periods.

A dog can also host the bacteria
"The claws of the cat disease" is an infectious disease called benign lymphoreticulose of inoculation. The officer is a bacterium of the genus Bartonelle (Bartonella henselae).
The domestic cat is the main reservoir of the bacterium, where its name. Indeed, the cat is involved up to 90% in transmission to humans. However, he should know that the dog can also host the bacterium.

In rance, these are cats of less than one year who are carriers of the bacteria. The adoption of young cats is an important factor.
The transmission of the disease between cats is favoured through fleas when they are themselves contaminated.

Can all cats contaminate their masters?
Cats likely to contaminate their owners are:
-Those whose blood test reveals the presence of the bacteria.
A treatment with antibiotics for a few weeks then allows to treat the animal. Predisposed individuals are mainly children and adolescents as well as people who are immunocompromised, or people needing to work with cats in the workplace (breeders, veterinarians,...). Treat an infected cat is useless in a family where all members are in good health.
-Those carriers of fleas themselves infected.

How not to get contaminated?
Firstly, it is essential to treat her cat against fleas by regular and appropriate means of  revention, particularly if one is oneself weakened.
Then, any presence of cat in the habitat or its immediate environment implies limiting risk of bite and scratch: avoid playing with his cat directly using the hands and be careful to hold his animal properly if we have to give treatment for example.
But, in any case, the possibility of this disease justifies parting with his pet.

There is no vaccine against the disease
On the other hand, it is imperative to respect strict hygiene measures: after having been in contact with an animal, its excrement or waste, it is necessary to always wash your hands with SOAP and water and do not rub the eyes. Hygiene of the hands must be repeated several times in the day.
There is no vaccine against this disease.
When suspicion of human contamination, any wound should be cleaned with SOAP and disinfected, especially when bite or scratch. If a node appears in the following weeks, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor.
This disease is a zoonosis, i.e. a disease that reached the animal and may be transmissible to humans. As such, it must be taken seriously and its prevention not neglected. This last through basic hygiene measures and regular external antiparasitic treatment of his animal.