Wednesday 8 March 2017

Rescue of stray cats

(Granby) is a veterinarian. The other is a citizen who raised Purebred Cats. Together, they're helping stray cats in Granby. Anne-Marie Chassé and Lucie Jodoin have developed a project which aims to sterilize these cats without owner to better control their population.

stray cats

(Granby) is a veterinarian. The other is a citizen who raised Purebred Cats. Together, they're helping stray cats in Granby. Anne-Marie Chassé and Lucie Jodoin have developed a project which aims to sterilize these cats without owner to better control their population.
"We have all both the causes stray cats heart and we find that there is not a lot of things are being done for them", explained Tuesday Lucie Jodoin.
Their goal: sterilize 450 strays annually and, subsequently, to facilitate the process so that those who may be adopted are, while others, little or not accustomed to human contact, to be released in nature.
Both partners are active already since a few weeks. So, a couple of cats have been sterilized, they say. Some have been placed in families or in stables. For the moment, the two instigators paid themselves the costs of these operations amounting to a few hundred dollars. However, in an ideal world, they would like to have financial support from the city of Granby. The project is being investigated, confirmed on Tuesday the Director general of the city, Michel Pinault, without however to elaborate further.

Volunteers wanted
To help them in their business, Lucie Jodoin and Anne-Marie Chassé are looking for volunteers who would be willing to help catch the stray cats. A few cages capture can be made available to them. It's also an ad on Kijiji site for this purpose which has put the voice of the is on the trail of two friends of animals.
"What we want to do, it's catching the cats. Later, we call the SPA to tell them that we found such cat. If he is not claimed after three days, we sterilize, we vaccinate, we put a microchip, worming treatment is done to him and we treat him. Those who are too ill, let's euthanize them or send them to the SPA to euthanize them. "But those who are adoptable, we'll sell them to pay for treatment," says Ms. Chassé.
The Act sets out that it won't sell itself not cats. This operation might be possible through a shelter veterinarian and Lucie Jodoin wish to set up. They have already rented a room for this purpose, but for the time being, the zoning is not adequate. Costs of $ 1,600 would be needed to make the change request to be considered, they said. Anne-Marie Chassé, however, is not ready to invest this amount at the moment. A local is necessary, she said, because his Veterinary Clinic in Laval North Street is too small and she does not want to mix his two missions.

The initiative set up by Anne-Marie Chassé and Lucie Jodoin is akin to the CSRM (capture, sterilize, release and maintain), a program of sterilization for cats feral, that is domestic cats without owner returned to a semi-wilderness State put in place by the Montreal SPCA.
The Granby vet says this technique find more and more echoes in the municipalities. One of the best ways to control the proliferation of stray cats is to sterilize them, believes Ms. Chassé that attended in December last to a seminar of the order of veterinary doctors of Quebec on the subject. Catch these cats to euthanize them is not a solution, she said, because there are always other things to occupy the territories orphaned.
Reached Tuesday, the Director general of the townships SPA, Carl Girard, said see the two Granbyennes a good look. "We'd be crazy to say no. More we sterilize cats, the better. It stops the pyramid. There are so many stray cats in Granby', he commented, without however being able to quantify the phenomenon. According to him, this project is complementary to the services offered by the SPA, which was awarded the contract for the control of animal services in Granby.

It was impossible to get comments from the Mayor Pascal Bonin on this project.