Tuesday 7 March 2017

How to keep her cat during the holidays?

Preparing a long weekend or a holiday well deserved? At the time of travel, any responsible cat owner must ask the question of who will care for him during his absence if he is unable to take her with him. Is it better to entrust it to a pension or leave it at home? Some tips and tricks to keep her cat without anxiety.

holiday cat

Preparing a long weekend or a holiday well deserved? At the time of travel, any responsible cat owner must ask the question of who will care for him during his absence if he is unable to take her with him.
Is it better to entrust it to a pension or leave it at home? Some tips and tricks to keep her cat without anxiety.

Should I leave it at home?
This is a secret, the cat is a territorial animal and routine who hates to change his habits. Furniture moved and he's disturbed, so imagine a complete change of environment.
The best solution is to leave his cat home and ask a friend to come visit him every day, giving him to drink and to eat, change the litter box, but also to spend some time with him, play, hug him.
If no relative or neighbor can take care of your cat, know that people offer services of home visits. The cat-sitter, who must be a person of confidence because you will leave him the keys to your home, will come to you once or several times a day according to your request, to give food and drink to your companion, change the litter box, and ensure that he lacks nothing.

The pension, how does it work?
There are all types of pensions for cat, from the simplest to the most luxurious. The concept of the hotel for cats is beginning to bloom in France, and in Paris where the hotel Aristide opened for a year now is always full!
If your cat is sociable, living in the community will be not too difficult to bear, but it is rather lonely, do to assure you that the pension offers many individual boxes.
It is very important to visit places before you leave your pet in order to check that it will find everything he needs and that he will feel well.

What other solutions?
The host family
As for the dogs, there are foster for cats. An option to consider if you prefer to leave your pet in a family atmosphere rather than in a pension.
Please allow 5 to 20 euros per day for your cat is kept and pampered in a home.
Note that host families have often homes of animals. This solution is therefore to consider if your cat gets along well with other dogs and other animals in general.
The exchange of services between individuals
This completely free, because solution based on Exchange, start earning households. The principle is to entrust his pet to a family during his absence, and keep his when it's his turn to go on vacation.

Prepare her cat
His toy and his cushion favorite, his usual kibble, and medication if it takes: don't forget to prepare the small Affairs of your cat if you leave it in a pension or a friend. Objects familiar and impregnated his scent will help it adapt to the new environment which will be hers for a few days.
 If he stays at home, remember to leave him toys that will stimulate it.