Tuesday 7 March 2017

How to tame a Feral Cat?

A feral cat came to settle in your neighborhood, and you would like to put it to warm for the winter, or even get it fixed, but here, it is wild and you can't approach it...

Feral cat

A feral cat came to settle in your neighborhood, and you would like to put it to warm for the winter, or even get it fixed, but here, it is wild and you can't approach it...
There are so used to our fur balls that purr on our knees, and allow themselves to cuddle to will that we forget that all cats are not the same!
Recently, I watched a documentary on the cat on an animal chain. The report studied, the distance at which a House cat could go for a wander. But that's not our point! This documentary ended up speaking of so-called street cats. These cats there became a full-fledged subspecies.

Street cat, not wild, not domestic
Researchers are more and more agreement to affirm that there are wild cats, cats from homes and street cats, who are to halfway between the other 2. These little sociable cats with humans can be approached rarely, and if we manage to catch one, it is aggressive and behaves like a lion in a cage in an apartment.
Many associations to review the system that was to adopt all strays, to instead see which can be adopted and that cannot be. These cats are often identified and neutral then released, volunteers to ensure their health and intervene if necessary.

Some cats may be tame
But then how to tame one of these cats? It's almost impossible. It takes years to let to touch, and even if they accept it! They were born in the street, their mothers have educated them to flee humans who catch and lock up, and in a few generations these cats here are more sociable, and refuse to be that again. Even the young kittens become the furies if you try to touch them. It takes a lot of patience to be able to touch them. And if one of these cats seem sick or injured, it is an association or a veterinarian should be reported. They are equipped to catch cats and treat them, releasing them in a place without dangers if needed.
So if you have a cat that seems abandoned, the first thing to do is to check if he let himself get close or not, if in a few days he is confident and is touched, it is a House cat abandoned or lost. But if the cat leaking seeing you approach, you're dealing in a street cat, and there... it's going to be long and complicated, but especially risky! Indeed, if you can get this cat at home, it can be aggressive, you hurt you or your children, but also other animals.

Making a Shelter
Know that these cats are not unhappy, it's their way of life, they're free and independent. The only thing you can do is to drop off food when the weather is bad. In winter, you can build him a cozy shelter with a large cooler box, and watch him. If you see bad, feel free to involve a combination of 'free cats.
It will be certainly grateful, even if he's not Purring on your knees to make you understand.